LANGUAGE starts with the birth cry. It is a continuous process. The main aim of language is communicating. It is a fundamental process to understand the childs development. Language acts as an aid to thought. One can have thought without language but one cannot have language without thought. The child is to be guided in a proper direction for the acquisition of language. In the Montessori environment the child is first introduced to the sound values of the letters and then gradually forms words. Finally, he is in a position to read and write. These activities which directly and indirectly prepare the child for 'Reading' ,'Writing' and 'Arithmetic' play a major part in preparing the child for admission in a traditional school. Through stories, songs, conversation and action plays, the child has an increased exposure to the spoken language. Not only can they hear the sounds, but they can now see and feel them, by tracing the sandpaper letters. Hence creativity is encouraged and thus your child's appreciation of the mystery and power of language will grow.
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